Saturday, April 26, 2008

Catching Up!

We got back from our trip to NY about a week ago now, we had a really good time but we are happy to see Daddy again!. It was really nice for Gabe to spend that quality time with his Nana and Papa. He had his first trip to the zoo, his favorite animal I would have to say was a toss up between the lion and the monkey, which is kinda of funny because you have one that's pretty entertaining (the monkey's) and then the lion which just lays there.

Two things he really enjoyed while we were up there were 1. Stairs he loved to climb these stairs which kept everyone in the house on their toes, he became extremely quick at climbing them. The second thing was chicken...I cooked him chicken one night because he hadn't tried it yet and he loved it (YAY!!) He seems to be a pretty picky eater thus far so I was very happy to find something that he enjoyed so much. While we were there he also had two more teeth pop through so now he has 4 on top and 2 on the bottom.

The next few pictures are from the park that's down the street from my parents house.

And here's a picture of my little Yankee fan!!

A couple days ago Grandpa Garcia came into town so Gabe has been able to spend some time with him and show off all his new skills he's acquired since the last time he's seen him.

Last Sunday 4/20 we went to the hospital to see our good friends Micah and Danielle and welcome their little girl Sophie into the world....Congratulations guys, she's beautiful!!!!!!!!! We look forward to watching her and Gabe play together when she gets older.