Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

Today we went over to our friends Lauren and Krayton's for a cookout.....I love cookouts!! We are waiting on a part for our grill so we haven't been able to grill out in a month or so and we were used to doing it once a week so it was nice eating grilled food today :-) Here are a couple pics. Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!!


The Johnsons said...

Seriously? I look like a whale in that picture, YUCK! Well at least it was fun and apparently I eat well everyday.

Audrey said...

Hey guys! I really miss you all! I wish I could be there to help when you need it but you can always call to talk about stuff when you need to! If I can't do physical work, I can do mental by letting you unleash everything- ha!! I hope everything is going good! I'll talk to you soon. Love you and miss you!!!!

Audrey said...

By the way, how do you keep changing the background on your blog? I can't figure out how to do that.