Saturday, October 4, 2008

The finished product!!!!

Well I finally finished my first sewing project.....a grocery cart cover. Every time we went to the store I would complain about how it didn't really cover the cart so I thought maybe I'll make one. Lauren and myself who knew nothing about sewing ( which is really sad since my mom is so great at it....too bad she's not here to teach us) deciding to take on the task. We probably should have started w/something a little easier but I'm glad we didn't because I love it and we had fun!! I got to use it today and it worked great, it has two pockets and a tote to carry it in.

I went in to check on Gabe the other night and I thought he looked too precious sleeping on his pillow so I had to take a picture
I only hope he is able to get this comfortable tonight....the poor thing is sick. He hasn't slept all day, he tried but just as he would nod off he'd wake up coughing or sneezing. Hopefully tonight goes better


Unknown said...

Wow! It looks SO good Shannon! I love it :) Everyone's going to ask you where you got such a cute cover! I'm sorry Gabe's sick :( That is such a cute picture his bedding. Adriana loves sleeping with a pillow too. Do you think he got sick from your Bible study? I wouldn't think he got sick from our's definitely that time of year though! I hope it doesn't last long and you both get some sleep tonight. It was fun seeing you today from the cars ;) talk to you soon!

marie said...

The cart cover is so adorable - you did a great job on it! I love that fabric, too.

Danielle said...

Shannon it looks so good!! I want to know what pattern you use so I can attempt one. I bought fabric for it on saturday. Sophie woke up congested this morning too. She just had a cold a couple weeks ago and I do not want her sick again.

mom said...


I'm sooo proud of you, you did a great job and it looks really cute. Give Gabbers a kiss for me. Love ya Mom

Unknown said...

That's what I'm hoping! I haven't had to change a wet diaper yet today :) (she peed in the toilet twice this morning, but she won't do the other yet...that might take a while till she's comfortable doing it). I'm sure she'll still be in diapers at night for a while, but hopefully she'll be in pull-ups before she's 2 (for during the day when we're at home...not sure about going out from the house yet).

Brooke said...

What a CUTE cover. i have one i bought that looks similar but different fabric. yours is so much cuter!!! have you ever tried giving Gabe some Probiotics? i give Jake Acidophillis in his applesauce whenever he is sick and his immune system seems to perk up quick!

Jolleen, Marc, Isaac and Noah said...

That is too cute. Great job on your first project.

Unknown said...

Yeah... I have heard that too... I just can't stand them, even if it's only "a few" (5 spiders in my house - no wait, 6 as of today - are too many to me!). The wolf spiders carry babies on their backs too, so I REALLY don't want to have a spider infestation in the house... probably my worst nightmare. Hopefully they're all gone for now and we're going to do some major work on the house in the next couple days to hopefully rid them (if not, time to call in pros... I seriously can't deal with spiders in the house! haha). Besides all of the spiders, things are pretty good... just been tired lately. How's everything going with you?? Are you doing anything tomorrow? (I can't believe tomorrow's Friday already)