Sunday, August 2, 2009

Our "new normal"

We are adjusting pretty well as a family of four! Gabe has definitely had his moments, mostly with being defiant which is probably a combination of the transition and the terrible 2's but I feel as each day goes by that he's getting used to the "new normal" and I'm so proud of him. Hannah loves to sleep (a girl after my own heart!) but she is awake more and more each day so I guess my true test of how I'm handling two kids will start when she spends most of her day awake! The good news is that I don't feel too sleep deprived, don't get me wrong I'm definitely tired but she's doing great at night so I'm only waking up a few times.

It's funny how different Hannah already is from Gabe:
  • she likes to sleep, Gabe not so much!
  • she's content (for the most part) being held while I'm sitting on the couch, with Gabe you had to be moving while you were holding him - which is so funny because even to this day he hates to sit still :-)
Although he can be rough, I can tell that Gabe is going to be a very protective and loving big brother. He loves to hold her hand and wants to give her a kiss first thing in the morning!

I realize I'm missing a picture of Hannah and Daddy (except for Daddy's hands in the second picture), as soon as I upload them I'll post one!


Jessica said...

she's so cute and getting so big! I love the picture of Gabe with her :) We'll have to try to get together this week - I need to see you before you leave...Hannah will prob. change so much while you're gone!

The Schuck Family said...

I'm so glad to hear ya'll are doing good and adjusting well to a family of 4! The pictures are adorable!

Jolleen, Marc, Isaac and Noah said...

I am glad things are going well. I am so sad that i will not be able to come home when you are home. It makes me sad. I pray we will see each other soon. Your daughter is beautiful and I am so happy for you guys.