Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Today I had the pleasure of watching our friends Ashley and Ryan's little boy Reed. Gabe and Reed are two weeks apart so it's alot of fun watching them play together. They did so well and I actually was able to get more done around the house than usual because they were so content playing with each other. The whole time I was thinking this is what it would be like to have twins. Not that they run in my family but I think it would be fun to have twins....of course I know the first several months would be tough.

Here are some pics from the morning

They really enjoyed bubble time....
they both started crying when the bubbles ran out

Gabe had fun pushing Reed around on his truck

And here is the big boy is his new big boy car seat!


Ashley said...

Loved the pics!! We need to make sure this happens more often!!

Jessica said...

cute pictures :) you're welcome to watch Adriana any time you want to have that twins experience again... I'm not sure she's as well mannered as Reed though!

Rodrigo B. said...

hey nice pics... both of them r well cute