It could be worse.....that is what I was telling myself on Saturday. This New Yorker has not endured too many tropical storms......snow storms yes, but the snow never came in the house, and that is what the rain did on Saturday. As most of you may know we have this wonderful master suite that we basically designed when purchasing our new house, we hadn't yet moved into it (we've been using the closet and bathroom but we're not sleeping in it) because we still had some things that needed to be done first that were expensive so we were waiting (we have the old master that we've been staying in so we weren't really in a rush). Anyways EJ had plans Saturday morning so he was up bright and early only to discover that our closet was biggie we just pulled up the carpet, pulled out the shop vac and sucked up the water. I thought that was the end of it until I went to do laundry and saw two inches of water in the laundry room which was then running under the wall into the bathroom. Once again we just sucked it up, but the rain didn't stop, it kept pouring in. The real trouble started when the power went out because then we couldn't use the shop vac so we were manually scooping up water, we were filling a 5 gallon bucket in less than 5 minutes, this went on for several hours. Luckily EJ didn't give up because I definitely did a few times. What we are even more grateful for is the great friends that God has surrounded us with: David was running all over town (in the storm) looking for a generator and water pump, Mark and Carl were helping EJ scoop water and Kim was watching Gabe so I could help clean up and Kailee cooked for us on Sunday. It was a hectic weekend and we never would have been able to do it on our own. So needless to say we have a little more work to do now before we can move into the master suite.
I don't have pictures of our flooding incident but I do have this picture of Gabe eating one of his new fav's!
I've been wanting to be more crafty so while I was in NY my mom and I went to Jo Anns and I found this fabric that I loved so decided to make some pillows with it, well actually my mom made these pillows, which doesn't make me very crafty if my mom does it :-) I really wanted to do it but I ran out to time up there. So for my first real project I want to make a shower curtain....should be easy I just have to find some fabric that I like!
oh the pillows are cute!!! I forgot to look when I was there today. :) hopefully no more HEAVY rain heads our way for awhile!
Oh Shannon! I'm so sorry about the house flooding. Glad you guys are doing good other than that though. Thanks for your comment earlier on my blog. We definitely need to get together soon!
I love the picture of Gabe eating the corn! :) The pillows look great! The fabric I used for the giraffe is Amy Butler - I love it... I still have some if you want to see it before you order (if that's the one you were wanting). I do the same thing - I have great ideas, but usually my mom ends up sewing them for me (my shower curtain and drapes in the master). It takes too long since I'm learning still! I was determined this time to do it all by myself (with my mom just explaining things if I have questions). So far, so good! I want to make some pillows and curtains - and I'm going to start on some clothes for Adri in the next couple weeks... I'm borrowing my mom's sewing machine until I can get one - she doesn't use it much. Sorry, this should have been an e-mail ;) I'll see you tomorrow morning!!
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