Monday, May 17, 2010

The Beach House!!

Last week we were able to go to St George Plantation to the beach house with some friends for a couple days..the kids had a wonderful time and so did we!! It was very relaxing and the beach house was really nice (which definitely helps!) Gabe loved hanging out with Ally, Nicholas and Jonathan but he couldn't get enough of Ally and she was so helpful with him!

Gabe and Ally playing in the water

Gabe loves the beach, Hannah however preferred the pool!

Hannah was able to catch up on her reading

It was only fitting to have Gabe take his picture next to this sign since we have the hardest time keeping clothes on him sometimes!!


Jessica said...

I can't believe how big they're both getting! 1st birthdays will be here before we know it...thankfully I have a little more time than you - I'm not ready for it!

The Johnsons said...

Um I want to go there please :)

Shannon, EJ, Gabe and Hannah said...

you can come...we may go next weekend if you all want to come!!

The Johnsons said...

sign me up!!!!